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While small and seemingly insignificant, bees actually provide us with a whole host of beneficial nutrients in the form of honey, propolis, beeswax and royal jelly. It’s a well-known fact that because bees pollinate roughly 70% of the crop species that feed 90% of the world; extinction would mean that the earth would eventually die off!

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While substances like honey and propolis are widely celebrated across the world, royal jelly is less well known. Royal jelly originates from beehives and is the main source of food for the colony’s queen. Royal jelly contains a significant number of proteins that help cells to grow and reproduce. Like it’s cousin propolis, royal jelly contains antibacterial properties that when taken, supports the immune system. Royal jelly is useful source of bifidobacteria, which is the bacteria that helps to support the functioning of the gut. This make it a useful probiotic and is suitable for those looking to better support digestion Rich in collagen, royal jelly is also a great nutrient for your skin. As we age, the production of collagen slows down dramatically in our body, resulting in loose, saggy and wrinkly skin. The addition of collagen into our diet provides our skin with the nutrients it needs to retain its firmness, hydration and elasticity. While other bee products may be more well known, we recommend not overlooking the wonderful benefits of royal jelly. Ctomi royal jelly supplement is ideal for daily use and suitable for adults of all ages.

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